Growing readers is my calling, writing books is my dream come true.

Bianca Schulze is the founder and editor of The Children's Book Review—a resource devoted to children's literature and literacy—and the host of The Growing Readers Podcast.

Bianca is also the author of the popular Don't Wake the Dragon series (translated into 20 languages) and the bestselling 101 Books to Read Before You Grow Up (an Amazon "Book of the Month"). She is a reader, reviewer, mother, and children's book lover.

Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Bianca now lives with her husband and three children near Boulder, Colorado.

See my published works

On Reading

I've learned many things from the thousands of books I've received for review consideration at The Children's Book Review. Most notably, I discovered that every book is not for every child, but for every child there is a book.

On Creativity

My desires to create, express and share are strong. Inspiration srtikes often as I'm drifting off to sleep. My three wild and wonderful children, along with my inner-child and my creative, encouraging husband inspire me deeply.

On Writing

Writing, to me, is a way to express, communicate, and make sense of the world. A way to turn emotions into words, sentences, paragraphs, and stories. I have notes and notes of ideas for new books. Now to find the time to fine-tune them all!

On Life

I dedicate much of my day to other authors looking to be seen and heard. When I'm not reading or writing, you can find me attempting a variety of mindful practices or trying to outspeed my husband on the ski hill or the go-kart track—ha!

Author Mentorship

Do you have a dream to be a children's book writer? Need a crituque of your manuscript? Do you already have a children's book out in the world? Are you on track to reach your book writing or book marketing goals? Bianca's here to help!


Read professional reviews and praise of Bianca's latest creative works.

Kirkus Review of Don't Wake the Dragon
Kirkus Reviews
April 2020

This rollicking interactive book will easily engage young children, who'll be eager to heed all the book's comical instructions before settling in for a peaceful night. — Kirkus Reviews

Carin Berger, Author and Illustrator
Carin Berger
Author and Illustrator

A rollicking good night story. I suspect there will be loud demands for this book! — Carin Berger, award-winning author-illustrator of 'The Little Yellow Leaf'

Trudy Ludwig
Trudy Ludwig

A truly delightful and playful interactive story for any reluctant-to-sleep young reader! — Trudy Ludwig, bestselling author of The Invisible Boy

Social Network

Bianca loves to socialize and makes appearances at retail locations, libraries, schools, and conferences. She also has a strong social network and following across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and often speaks out in support of progressive concepts.

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The Children’s Book Review

The Children's Book Review, founded by Bianca Schulze, has been operating since March 2008. Originally started as a hobby and labor of love, it has since turned into a professional review site that provides authors, illustrators, and other creative producers a platform for reaching industry professionals and getting the word out about new and existing works. For more content and information, visit

Matt de la Pena and Corinna Luyken Discuss Patchwork

Bianca Talks with Matt de la Peña and Corinna Luyken About Patchwork

If you love insightful, thoughtful books and deep conversations on life that fill your heart, then today’s episode of The Growing Readers Podcast […]

Bianca with Dr. Ibram X Kendi on How to Be an Antiracist

Bianca Talks with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi About How To Be An Antiracist

In this episode of The Growing Readers Podcast, I talk with the incredible Dr. Ibram X. Kendi about his nonfiction book for caregivers, […]

Bianca with Idina Menzel and Cara Mentzel on Loud Mouse

Bianca Talks with Idina Menzel and Cara Mentzel About Loud Mouse

In this episode of The Growing Readers Podcast, I talk with sisters Cara Mentzel and Tony-award-winner Idina Menzel about their debut picture book […]

Schedule a Visit

Bianca Schulze is available for virtual and in-person events. She visits schools, bookstores, libraries, and book clubs. One of her favorite things in the world is growing readers! She also speaks with parents, caregivers, educators, librarians, and fellow writers on a variety of topics. You can see a sampling of her offerings below, and she can also create a custom program to suit individual needs. All presentations are tailored specifically for the setting and audience.

Toddler & Preschool

• Meet an Author
• Interactive story-time
• Interactive sing-alongs
• Q&A
• Book signing

Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8

• Meet an Author
• Book reading
• Q&A
• Writing workshop
• For the love of reading discussion
• Book club discussions
• Book signing

Family Events

• Meet an Author
• Q&A
• For the love of reading discussion
• Family book club discussions
• Family story-time
• Book signing

Conference and Panels

• For the love of reading discussion
• Book Launch Marketing and Beyond
• Kids Books? I love talking about them!
• The Children's Book Review success story

A typical presentation includes a dynamic presentation, reading, and audience participation. Signed copies of 101 BOOKS TO READ BEFORE YOU GROW UP and DON'T WAKE THE DRAGON can be ordered and delivered to your school or organization.

Schedule Your Event Here

Upcoming Events

Bianca looks forward to celebrating or joining you for the following events ...

Bookstore Storytimes and Book Signings

Bianca Schulze and Lauren Kerstein

Pull on your favorite pajamas and join local authors, Bianca Schulze and Lauren Kerstein, for an interactive DRAGON-filled storytime, including songs, and crafts. You'll get to make your own superhero capes, pop your worry bubbles, decorate picture frames for your favorite dragon photo. Tickets also provide you access to everything AllThrills Fun Park has to offer including Laser Tag, Ninja Course, Trampolines, KAPOW!, Nerf Cage, 5D Rider and more!

Participants must purchase a ticket. Tickets available now on the ALLTHRILLZ website - get them before they're gone!

Professional Speaking Engagements

SCBWI Rocky Mountain Chapter
Bianca Schulze
Hosted by SCBWI Rocky Mountain Chapter

The 2024 Letters & Lines Conference features a new schedule. Start planning now – this year there will be even more amazing options! Among other literary leaders, Bianca will be sharing the following two presentations: Make a Splash with Memorable Read-Aloud Events and The Power of Virtual Book Tours for Children’s Book Creators.

Contact Bianca

Get in touch with Bianca here to discuss bookings for school visits, books signing, media opportunities, and more.